Our Technique
Discover gentle and effective chiropractic care.

The Integrator

By using the Integrator, Dr. Alec can focus on removing subluxations in specific areas of your nervous system. Specificity and accuracy of adjustments can decrease neurological interference more efficiently and effectively.

The integrator makes TRT the most reproducible technique in the chiropractic profession by using the same force and speed of an adjustment every time.

The integrator was one of the first chiropractic tools to be approved by the FDA. TRT is safe for the entire family!

The integrator allows for a gentle chiropractic adjustment with no twisting or cracking.
Webster Technique
The technique that we use to analyze pregnant women is called Webster Technique. This technique is a gentle chiropractic adjustment that aims to stabilize the sacrum and SI joint to improve function in the nervous system. This technique works by releasing tension in the musculature and surrounding ligaments, creating balanced pelvic muscles and ligaments in pregnant women so their bodies can better adapt to the stress and changes that come with pregnancy and prepare for a healthy and safe birth for the mother and child.

Getting Started is Easy
One-On-One Consult
You'll meet with Dr. Alec or a team member to discuss your story, your current health concerns, and your goals.
Comprehensive Chiropractic Assessment
We'll perform a scan of your spinal column to determine areas of stress or nerve interference in your body.
Sit Down With Dr. Alec
Dr. Alec will explain the results of your diagnostic assessment, discuss the impact of any issues on your health, and talk through different treatment options.