Your First Visit

At Evolve Chiropractic, we want your first visit to be stress free so that’s why we make it as easy as possible for you and your family, so you have the best experience! Learn more about the day 1 process below.


Step 1: Health Intake Forms

All new members at Evolve Chiropractic will fill out a health intake form which generally takes about 10 minutes to complete. Save some time in the office, fill out and submit a health intake form electronically. When finished, our team will give you a quick tour of the office where you can ask questions, meet the team, and learn more about the care that we provide at Evolve Chiropractic.


Step 2: Consultation

A thorough one-on-one consultation will be conducted between yourself and a team member in order to determine what health issues you are dealing with. We will also set some specific health goals and learn what you want to get out of care. Lastly, we will go over what nerve interference is and how principled chiropractic care can help your body heal.

Step 3: Assessment

A comprehensive chiropractic assessment will be done using our state of the art neurological technology to get an overall picture of how your nervous system is functioning. Up to 3 neurological scans will be done, evaluating for stress and nerve interference in the body. This assessment is very gentle so no need to be nervous!

Step 4: X-rays

If necessary, the final step of your first visit at Evolve Chiropractic is to have digital x-rays taken. Seeing the exact structure of your spine is important as it makes Dr. Alec aware of any limitations for your adjustments. X-rays are taken on site with our digital x-ray machine.

Report of Findings and Your First Adjustment 

This is the most important appointment in our office! After Dr. Alec has had time to review your health history, neurological scans, and X-rays, you will be invited back to our office for day 2 procedures. This includes an individualized report of findings and custom care plan that is specific to you. If you are to move ahead with care, you will receive your very first adjustment!

At Evolve, we prioritize education because we believe that it will empower you to make the best possible decision for you and your family’s health!